Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Mobile Apps Hybrid Vs Native

Mobile Apps Hybrid Vs Native

Demand for mobile experiences is growing 5x faster than internal IT teams can deliver.

 By 2022, 70% of all enterprise software interactions are expected to occur on mobile devices

Before we proceed lets see what is mean by a hybrid app?
Hybrid apps are native apps. They’re downloaded from the platform’s app store or marketplace and offer the same native features, offline support, and hardware-based performance acceleration as any app built with a native SDK.

The key difference is that hybrid apps are built using open web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, rather than the proprietary or specialized languages used by iOS, Android, and others. That means anyone with a modern web developer skill-set can begin building an app using the hybrid approach. 

Hybrid apps run in a full-screen browser, called a webview, that is invisible to the user. Through customizable native plugins, they can access the native features of specific mobile devices (such as the camera or touch ID), without the core code being tied to that device.

That means cross-platform hybrid applications can run on any platform or device, all from a single codebase, while still delivering native performance.

Examples for hybrid app development frameworks are Ionic, Xamarin, Flutter, and React Native

The growing adoption of hybrid is evident in a recent Forrester survey that found two-thirds of developers are choosing a cross-platform or web-based approach over native tools.

Top brands have chosen a hybrid approach over native to power apps for their customers and employees.

Below are the top reasons for making switch to hybrid from native

1) Speed

Building for multiple platforms from a single codebase often makes delivering cross-platform apps 2-3x faster than native.

2) Efficiency

Reduced development times, and the avoided costs of hiring and retaining specialized native talent, can save teams 60% or more compared to native

3) Design & UX consistency

With one codebase running on desktop, mobile, and web, hybrid apps provide better design and UX consistency across channels

4) Skillset

Hybrid gives web developers and businesses with in-house web teams the tools to build powerful mobile apps using their existing skills and talent.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Mi children's GPS watch 2S

AI GPS positioning, touch display and more for Yuan 199

Only available in China now.

The Mi Children's Watch 2S has a squarish display that measures 1.3-inches.

 The display registers touch inputs and uses a 240 x 240-pixel resolution colour IPS LCD display. 

The body is made of plastic and other soft-touch materials all through the straps so as to offer a comfortable user experience, which is what kids would want in a smartwatch. 

And, one can order it in Red or Blue colours.

Popular Hybrid Mobile App development frameworks

Popular Hybrid Mobile App development frameworks Hybrid Development Technologies List of best Hybrid App Development Frameworks ...